
Top 20 Players Overall
Rank Player Club Avg Best 3 Scores
1 James Tapia The Infernal Gateway 80.32
2 Greg Goede The Wobbly Modelers 72.19
3 Kyle Bennett NoCo Ravagers 70.42
4 Randall Nelson Droppin' Deuces 67.08
5 Gabe Cersonsky Droppin' Deuces 65.13
6 Zach Johnson NoCo Ravagers 63.23
7 Will Hodges The Wobbly Modelers 63.18
8 Levi Bennett NoCo Ravagers 63.17
9 Michael Vagenos The Wobbly Modelers 63.12
10 Zach Sherrard The War College 62.97
11 Randy Hill Cobra Kai 62.49
12 Jermey Garcia Cobra Kai 60.50
13 Greg Wright The War College 59.96
14 Ben Allen (CO) The Wobbly Modelers 58.13
15 Andrew Standiferd Rolling Bad 57.83
16 Julian Tapia The Infernal Gateway 57.67
17 Michael Trujillo Cobra Kai 55.34
18 Chad Moore Droppin' Deuces 54.91
19 Ben Neal The Wobbly Modelers 52.57
20 Billy Gates Cobra Kai 52.21
Player Standing Scores are based on the average of a player's top 3, normalized overall event scores.  Full points are granted for GTs, 60% of the points are granted for One Day events.  For example, if a player used the same allegiance to earn 100 of 200 at a GT, 100 of 100 at a One Day Event, an 80 of 100 at One Day, and 200 of 200 at another GT.  They would receive 50 + 100 for their GT scores, and 60 for their first One Day Score (60%).  Their 2nd one day score (60%) of 48 would be discarded since it falls out of the top 3. The Average score of 70 from the top 3 are used for the standings.  The top 10 players will receive invitations to King of the Mountain.
Allegiance Standings
Allegience 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Anvilgard Chad Moore - 12.3  -   -   -   - 
Beastclaw Raiders Chad Moore - 40.2 Bill Castello - 10.5 Dustin Ensley - 5.6  -   - 
Blades of Khorne Zed Chunn - 32.8 Jacob Kurz - 27.0 John Spelz - 26.5 Rob Woodrum - 22.2 Benjamin Cornelius - 11.9
Bonesplitterz Will Hodges - 59.1  -   -   -   - 
Bretonnia Michael Trujillo - 18.8  -   -   -   - 
Daughters of Khaine Greg Goede - 72.2 Jeremy LeFebvre - 24.0 Ben Hobson - 20.0 Nick Shufeldt - 19.2  - 
Disciples of Tzeentch James Tapia - 80.3 Joe Krier - 32.8 Cody Middleton - 23.2 Fred Whitney - 23.1 Duncan Ensminger - 14.2
Dispossessed Caleb Lyson - 30.9  -   -   -   - 
Fyreslayers Levi Bennett - 63.2 Ben Allen (CO) - 58.1 Randall Nelson - 18.2 Kyle McCormick - 1.3  - 
Grand Alliance Chaos Ben Loveland - 12.3 Tom Loveland - .8  -   -   - 
Grand Alliance Death Greg Wright - 60.0 Erich Dobler - 18.6 Rob Woodrum - 10.3  -   - 
Grand Alliance Destruction Joe Loveland - 12.2 Josh Brooks - 10.5  -   -   - 
Grand Alliance Order Gabe Cersonsky - 44.8 Chad Graham - 22.0 Chad Moore - 14.7 Scott Sproul - 11.9  - 
Grand Host of Nagash Randall Nelson - 67.1 Julian Tapia - 46.2 Ken Eubanks - 19.6 Leland Gross - 15.3 Michael Drummer - 7.1
Idoneth Deepkin Michael Trujillo - 44.8 Stephen Charzuk - 19.4 Robert Martinez - 13.3 Elijah Lister - 9.2  - 
Ironjawz Jermey Garcia - 39.5 Ben Neal - 30.8 Andrew Standiferd - 29.8 Percy Steele - 23.9 Elric Edge - 22.8
Kharadron Overlords Randy Hill - 26.1 Elric Edge - 22.3 John Kolberg - 6.7  -   - 
Legion of Azgorh Will Hodges - 32.3  -   -   -   - 
Legion of Night Matt Evans - 24.4  -   -   -   - 
Maggotkin of Nurgle Zach Johnson - 63.2 Zach Sherrard - 63.0 Michael Vagenos - 51.9 Blake Myers - 19.6 Ryan Taylor - 17.3
Order Draconis Jermey Garcia - 39.4 Shannon O'Connell - 20.4 Andrew Cersonsky - 17.9  -   - 
Phoenix Temple Gabe Cersonsky - 20.4  -   -   -   - 
Seraphon Randy Hill - 62.5 Brian  Brown - 26.4 Jake Ruiz - 18.8 Kyle Bennett - 15.5 Michael Trujillo - 14.8
Skaven Skryre Billy Gates - 52.2 Noble Diven - 8.3  -   -   - 
Stormcast Eternals Matt Mayo - 45.5 Ruperto Bustamante - 34.8 Caleb Voss - 29.9 Julian Tapia - 29.6 Andrew Standiferd - 28.1
Sylvaneth Kyle Bennett - 70.4 Joseph Urban - 27.4 Saminda Gates - 15.6 Matt Neeley - 15.0 Nick Shufeldt - 12.0
Wanderers Josh Brooks - 5.6  -   -   -   - 
Army Standing Scores are based on the average of a player's top 3, normalized event scores with a given allegiance.  Full points are granted for GTs, 60% of the points are granted for One Day events.  For example, if a player used the same allegiance to earn 100 of 200 at a GT, 100 of 100 at a One Day Event, an 80 of 100 at One Day, and 200 of 200 at another GT.  They would receive 50 + 100 for their GT scores, and 60 for their first One Day Score (60%).  Their 2nd one day score (60%) of 48 would be discarded since it falls out of the top 3. The Average score of 70 from the top 3 are used for the standings.  The top 2 players from each allegiance will receive invitations to King of the Mountain.
Club Standings
Club Avg Best 3 Overall Scores
NoCo Ravagers 65.60
The Wobbly Modelers 55.60
Cobra Kai 47.51
Droppin' Deuces 47.13
The Infernal Gateway 43.82
The War College 38.32
Rolling Bad 33.28
Johnny's Roughnecks 26.50
Club Capri 25.64
Badsons 23.92
SoCal AoS 22.67
Warhogs   22.36
Denver Deuces 19.54
VoF 17.16
Flying Monkeys 16.95
Lovelands 14.78
New World Marauders 14.37
Warzone Oklahoma  8.78
Kingsmen   8.74
ADHD Gaming 7.18
The Malign Horde 7.12